| domingo 19 de enero de 2025
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con quienes dialogamos

Call for papers


Special issue of the journal “Revista Redbioética / UNESCO” (Number 19, January-June 2019)

The journal «Revista Redbioética / UNESCO» is a biannual publication of the UNESCO Latin American and Caribbean Bioethics Network whose objective is to disseminate and promote the principles established in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, as claimed by the same Declaration, as well as to identify and reflect on the priority ethical problems that affect the countries of the region. The Journal is supported by the UNESCO’s Regional Bioethics and Ethics of Science Program (Montevideo Office) and is opening a call for articles for the special issue “Bioethics from the south” that is part of the south-south relation program of this office.

Latin America and Africa not only share a geographical reality but also have «blood ties» that have strongly influenced Latin American culture. Bioethics has been highlighting in both continents reflections on life that are inscribed in a liberating thought for our peoples, a thought that influences both health and educational or cultural policies to overcome the situation of inequality that afflicts and harasses us. We need to find echoes to our voices, one in each other so that the claim to those who have political responsibilities makes of bio-ethics an ethics that promotes life, and of the right to life and health in its most integral sense the direction of its actions. Is it possible to respect human dignity? What are the signs in our cultures that indicate that this respect exist or that it does not? What utopias can we feed with our claims of justice and equality among our people? Are those that promote injustice and inequality the same, do they have the same face, the same procedures, the same ways of lying and deceiving on one side of the Atlantic than on the other? Is it the same greed, the same ambition, the one that subjects our peoples, plunders our seas and rivers, and depletes our lands?

Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa can find answers that bring them closer and allow them to think critically as a community of different people seeking to rise above their sufferings to recover all the richness of their history, their past and their present, their traditions, their respect for the earth and for human beings.

For this reason, Revista Redbioética / UNESCO calls today to submit contributions in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, for its new special issue, entitled «Bioethics from the South». Its purpose is to promote cooperation and exchange between bioethicists, researchers, members of committees and non-governmental organizations, of Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, in conditions of equality and mutual commitment, with the aim of contributing to the epistemological construction of a critical bioethics thought from the south, and to consolidate the defense of a broad bioethics based and grounded on the human rights (HR) approach, that reflects on the persistent bioethical situations, often forgotten.

Closing date for the January – June 2019 special issue: 30 June 2019

Manuscripts should be sent to /


1.- The original manuscripts must have an extension up to 8000 words, with references at the end of the text in orthographic order. Footnotes comments are allowed at the bottom of the page. They must be sent exclusively by email in A4 size, Word Document (.doc or .docx), letter Verdana size 10 with line spacing of 1.5.

2.- The title of the article must be centered in bold, in the original language and English using uppercase / lowercase as appropriate, without underline. Letter Verdana size 10 with line spacing simple.

3.- Author (s): first and last names in the left margin, in Verdana size 10, with footnote (using *) indicating title, position, place of work and / or institutional affiliation, email, and date of submission in Verdana size 9.

4.- Abstracts in the original language and English, of up to 150 words each, Verdana size 9 with line spacing 1,5. Include five (5) keywords in both languages, in lowercase (except proper names) and separated with commas. All in bold print. E.g. Keywords: Garrafa, informed consent, undue induction, poverty, disease criticism, etc.

5.- Subtitles in left margin, uppercase / lowercase, without underlining, in bold.

6.- Pictures, graphics, photos and illustrations should be sent in a separate file (TIF formats, JPG or PNG) numbered according to order of appearance in the text (which should clearly indicate its location and include the corresponding epigraph).

7.- Textual transcriptions of authors, interviews and quotations from field notes, which do not exceed three lines will be maintained in the main body of the text, in quotes and without italics or bold. In case of references greater than three lines, they should be presented separately of the main body of the text with a space at the beginning and another at the end, without quotes, without use italics or bold. Line spacing 1.5, letter Verdana 10, left and right indentations 1.

8.- Bibliographic citations should be placed in the main body of the text and they should maintain the following reference form: (author lastname (lowercase) year). Example: (González 2010). In the case of textual citations, they should include page/s. Example: (Goldschmitt 1988: 49). In case of more than one reference of the same author, they should be ordered chronologically by year of publication from the oldest to the most recent. E.g.: (González 1998, 2001). The same criterion should be used in the case of the year, using the letters, a, b, c, etc. Ex.: (González 2001a) (González 2001b). In case of more than three authors, only the first three should be cited, adding “and col.” or “et al” for the others.

9.- References should be placed at the end of the article without indentations and in alphabetical order, without numbering, referencing only those cited in the article (if it is necessary to specify other information – original edition, modifications in the editions, etc. -, it should be added at the end of the corresponding reference). Do not use the «Quotations at the end» tool of the Word program.

* Journal articles should follow the format: Author’s last name in capital letters, initial name in capitals with period, year (without parenthesis). Title of the cited work (without quotes, without italics), name of the journal, year, volume, number, place, pagination. All separated by commas, at the end, period. Examples: VIDAL, S., 2010, Bioethics and development human: a vision from Latin America, Revista Redbioética / UNESCO, Year 1, Vol 1, No 1, Montevideo, 112-134.

* Books should follow the format: author’s last name in capital letters, initial of the name in capital letters with period, director or compiler if applicable in parentheses, year, title, edition if applicable, publisher, place. Everything separated by commas, at the end, period. Example: JURY, W. A., GARDNER, H. W., 1991, Soil Physics, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

* Book chapter follow the format: author’s last name in capital letters, initial of the name in capital letters with period, year, title of chapter, author (s) of book’s last name with capital letter, initial of the name with capital letter with period, director or compiler if applicable, between parentheses, title, editorial, place, page. Everything separated by commas, at the end, period. Examples: MORALES J., CUCUZZA F., 2002, Apocryphal biographies in bioethics, in GOSTIONIZ J. (comp), Bioethics writings, Ed. Sanjuaninas, San Juan, Argentina, pp. 123-164.

* Quotations of documents and / or institutional declarations. Quotations of documents and / or declarations by national institutions or international organizations (WHO, UNESCO, CONICET, etc) will be done by placing the acronym or acronym of the institution in capital letters, followed by the institutional name, the year, the title and the URL from which it was retrieved, All separated by commas. According to the following model: ECLAC – Economic Commission for Latin America, 2002, Globalization and Social Development, Executive Secretary. [Electronic version]. Retrieved on August 28 of 2003. If the cited edition is printed, the place should be included as in the case of books.

Whenever possible, the URL of the web page where the cited work can be accessed should be added at the end of the reference.